What is Fetch PHP? How to use it inside PHP

Fetch PHP Library


Fetch PHP is a lightweight HTTP library inspired by JavaScript’s fetch() API, allowing developers to make HTTP requests more modern, intuitive, and simple within PHP. It serves as an abstraction layer to handle HTTP requests (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, etc.) and provides a cleaner, promise-like syntax similar to how it’s done in JavaScript.

Key Features of Fetch PHP

  1. JavaScript-Like Syntax: Designed to mimic the simplicity of the JavaScript fetch() API, making it easier for developers familiar with JavaScript to adapt.
  2. Simplified HTTP Requests: Offers an easy way to handle HTTP requests without needing the complexity of cURL.
  3. Supports Various HTTP Methods: Allows making GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, and other HTTP requests easily.
  4. Handles Promises/Async-like Behavior: Though PHP itself is not inherently asynchronous, the Fetch PHP library’s syntax can make handling responses more intuitive and organized.


Fetch PHP can be installed using Composer:

composer require camspiers/fetch

Basic Example of Fetch PHP

Here’s a simple example showing how to make a GET request using Fetch PHP:

require 'vendor/autoload.php';

use Fetch\Fetch;

// Create an instance of Fetch
$fetch = new Fetch();

// Make a GET request
$response = $fetch->get('https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/todos/1');

// Get the response body as a string
echo $response->getBody(); 

Making a POST Request

To send data using a POST request:

$response = $fetch->post('https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/posts', [
    'json' => [
        'title' => 'foo',
        'body' => 'bar',
        'userId' => 1

echo $response->getBody();

Differences Between Fetch PHP and JavaScript’s fetch()

  • Environment: JavaScript’s fetch() runs in the browser, while Fetch PHP runs server-side.
  • Asynchronous vs. Synchronous: JavaScript’s fetch() is inherently asynchronous (returns Promises), whereas PHP typically handles requests synchronously. Fetch PHP, however, can be written to mimic this style, offering more readable and maintainable code.

When to Use Fetch PHP

Fetch PHP is ideal if:

  • You prefer a simpler, more modern approach to making HTTP requests in PHP.
  • You want an alternative to cURL that offers a more intuitive syntax.
  • You’re familiar with JavaScriptโ€™s fetch() API and want similar functionality in your PHP projects.

In essence, Fetch PHP is an excellent option for making HTTP requests in PHP, providing a clear, JavaScript-inspired syntax for handling different HTTP methods. It brings simplicity and clarity, making HTTP interactions in PHP more accessible.

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